Frank B. Mengert & Joe Quattrone join me on #thePOZcastLIVE! (Recorded 4.20.2020)
Frank Mengert is a tremendous voice and creator on LinkedIN. He is an entrepreneur and he is on his fourth company, ebm, which is one of the largest employee benefits technology platform providers in the nation.
We help benefit consultants, carriers and enrollment firms attract, win & retain business acting as an extension of their team providing expert technology services to organizations nationwide.
Joe Quattrone: Senior Vice President at The Sasha Group
Part charismatic presenter, part art director, part brand manager and full-on social media sage, Joe is an incredibly talented marketer. He can play any role necessary in the marketing arena. I have seen Joe work on strategy, tactics, and everything in between, which showed his depth of knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge when it counts.
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