$hitting on Recruiters here is almost as easy as copying everyone's "Steal My LinkedIn Growth Hacks" posts.
Most of us work hard and do things the right way to help on ALL sides of the hiring equation.
There are a zillion things that are out of our control (See Kevin's post from yesterday in the comments below) that we always get blamed for.
Candidates must realize what we do and what IS in our control: managing expectations, communication, clarity, and timeliness.
Like many of you, we are in the same boat! It's not an easy time for most of us with layoffs and economic downturns. So take a second before you use harsh words about us on here.
And for my fellow recruiters going through $hit, rely on that shell you have to protect you. The shield of resilience that all of us good ones have!
We will all get through this better and stronger on the other side!
Stay strong!