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Let Go of the $HIT: Overcoming Obstacles for Success

LISTEN UP: https://www.thepozcast.com/318

"You need to let that $hit go so you can fly."

It's in that moment of realization when you recognize your true powers.
For me, it was when I was fired by Gary Vee and he said the most impactful words ever spoken to me:

"Stop focusing on your weaknesses and double down on your strengths."
Sure, it took some time for me to process that statement and unpack my powers, But once I did, I was FREE.

FREE to focus on what I am best at and determine the path forward to lay out my career roadmap. 

That freedom has led me to the point where I am now charting my own course and harnessing my creative strengths and talents. But that freedom isn't free and comes with the cost of hard work and emotional liability.
But it's so worth it, and I'd never look back. 

I loved my convo w/ Lan on episode #318 of #thePOZcast as we unpacked her journey from unemployment and building herself and her brand to the heights where it is now.

Today, Lan teaches others how to unlock the power of daily inspiration to discover your life calling!

LISTEN UP: https://www.thepozcast.com/318