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Finding Identity After Olympic Hopeful: Nina Sossamon-Pogue's Transition to Emmy-Winning Journalist

00:00 Introduction to Nina Sossamon-Pogue
02:27 The Journey of a Navy Brat
04:56 The Pressure of Competitive Gymnastics
10:21 Transitioning from Gymnastics to Journalism
13:39 Finding Identity After Injury
17:09 The Start of a Journalism Career
20:08 A Memorable Live Reporting Experience
21:35 The Emmy Experience: Validation and Triumph
24:06 From Journalism to Tech: A Calculated Pivot
27:30 Navigating Corporate America: A New Perspective
31:24 IPO Journey: Learning and Responsibility
33:32 The Importance of Coachability in Success
37:33 Empowering Others: Workshops and Keynotes
39:30 Books and Legacy: Crafting Your Next Chapter
40:56 Reflections on Life: Success and Kindness