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AI Overload is Causing us to Ignore the Facts

LISTEN UP: https://www.thepozcast.com/335

AI overload is causing us to ignore the facts.
Many of us are becoming so immune to recognizing AI content that we are taking everything we see, hear, and read as gospel. 
When, in fact, much of it is created by machines utilizing external inputs that may not be factual.

Our unconscious biases are being intentionally triggered

In some cases, intentionally changing the narrative on both influential major macro and micro influential levels. 

Consumers need to be more informed about technology and mindful of fact-checking content that triggers an emotion to take action. 
I had a fantastic conversation about this topic and a lot more with Deirdre McGlashan on E335 of #thePOZcast. She brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in the world of brand marketing and the modern workplace.
LISTEN UP: https://www.thepozcast.com/335